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  • naneaspies

Journal: Joiking

Updated: May 2, 2019

I believe that you are able to understand without completely knowing the language nor the words. I think that through emotional connections and watching others you can feel their mood and what they are trying to express. I think that sometimes using words is stressful and can cause miscommunication, but if we focus on our other ways of understanding, like our gut feelings. Sometimes, especially when regarding music, you can feel exactly what the person is trying to say and share without even understanding the words that they are trying to share with you. We must not only depend on our ability to listen to words and try to feel and understand what they are trying to share with you. You can use the feelings that you have through just listening to the undertone and feel the music in a way. While I was listening to this song, I felt genuine sadness but also overwhelming thankfulness for my life and what I have. I felt sad for the friend that died and that inspired this song. At the same time, I saw rolling hills and beautiful landscapes. I cannot put my finger on why, but I did. I also saw beautiful trees and overwhelming beauty.

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